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Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-IV-TRwebcat paw

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Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Languagewebcat paw

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50 Key Concepts in Gender Studieswebcat paw

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Accounting Glossary and Acronyms

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ABC-CLIO World History Companion to Utopian Movementswebcat paw

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Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experiencewebcat paw

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America Voteswebcat paw

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Almanac of American Educationwebcat paw

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African Development Indicatorswebcat paw

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Standard & Poor's Industry Surveyswebcat paw

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Accountants' Handbookwebcat paw

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American Big Business Directorywebcat paw

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Background Notes

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A to Zoo: Subject Access to Children's Picture Bookswebcat paw

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Gallaudet Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafnesswebcat paw

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Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science

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RMA (Risk Management Associates) Annual Statement Studieswebcat paw

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Country Studies

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Nursing Diagnosis Handbook : A Guide to Planning Carewebcat paw

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Key Indicators of Developing Asian and Pacific Countries

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CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physicswebcat paw

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French Novelists Since 1960webcat paw

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World Philosophy: Essay-Reviews of 225 Major Workswebcat paw

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World Development Indicators

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Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics, Media and Communicationswebcat paw

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New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicianswebcat paw

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Encyclopedia of Health & Behaviorwebcat paw

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Nature Encyclopedia of the Human Genomewebcat paw

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Facts on File Dictionary of Chemistrywebcat paw

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Frisian-English Dictionary = Frysk-Ingelsk Wurdboekwebcat paw

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New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instrumentswebcat paw

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Encyclopedia of International Media and Communicationswebcat paw

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Dictionary of the History of Ideas: Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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Atlas of the Classical Worldwebcat paw

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From Talking Drums to the Internet: an Encyclopedia of Communications Technologywebcat paw

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Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophywebcat paw

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American Musical Traditionswebcat paw

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New Handbook of Political Sciencewebcat paw

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New York Times Encyclopedia of Filmwebcat paw

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Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation

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Oxford Encyclopedia of American Literature

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American Insects: A Handbook of the Insects of America North of Mexicowebcat paw

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Pan-African History: Political Figures from Africa and the Diaspora since 1787webcat paw

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Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History

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World of Microbiology and Immunologywebcat paw

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Merck Index : an Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicalswebcat paw

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Dictionary of Marxist Thoughtwebcat paw

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