Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-IV-TR

This Text Revision incorporates information culled from a comprehensive literature review of research about mental disorders published since DSM-IV was completed in 1994. Updated information is included about the associated features, culture, age, and gender features, prevalence, course, and familial pattern of mental disorders.
Contents: Use of the manual -- DSM-IV-TR classification -- Multiaxial assessment -- Disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence -- Delirium, dementia, and amnestic and other cognitive disorders -- Mental disorders due to a general medical condition -- Substance-related disorders -- Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders -- Mood disorders -- Anxiety disorders -- Somatoform disorders -- Factitious disorders -- Dissociative disorders -- Sexual and gender identity disorders -- Eating disorders -- Sleep disorders -- Impulse-control disorders not elsewhere classified -- Adjustment disorders -- Personality disorders -- Other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention -- Additional codes -- Appendix A. Decision trees for differential diagnosis -- Appendix B. Criteria sets and axes provided for further study -- Appendix C. Glossary of technical terms -- Appendix D. Highlights of changes in DSM-IV text revision -- Appendix E. Alphabetical listing of DSM-IV-TR diagnoses and codes -- Appendix F. Numerical listing of DSM-IV-TR diagnoses and codes -- Appendix G. ICD-9-CM codes for selected general medical conditions and medication-induced disorders -- Appendix H. DSM-IV classification (with ICD-10 codes) -- Appendix I. Outline for cultural formulation and glossary of culture-bound syndromes.
Available in print: RC455.2.C4 D536 2000