"Written by 1400 experts, this unique encyclopedia has over 1000 peer-reviewed articles covering a wide range of topics, e.g. structural and functional genomics, evolution and comparative genomics, genome mapping and sequencing, disease, ethical and social issues, behavioral and psychiatric genetics, mathematical and population genetics, proteomics, and bioinformatics. The entries range from 300 to 6000 words in length and include short definitions, biographies, and broad overviews as well as detailed, highly technical articles. Each article has a brief definition or abstract, a list of contents, an indication of reading level, and a list of references and/or suggestions for further reading, which often includes websites. Although some of the articles are suitable for beginning undergraduates, the majority are more appropriate for more advanced users. The approximately 1500 black-and-white illustrations are of high quality, and about 12 percent are duplicated in color in a separate section. An extensive glossary and a detailed index round out the text."--Teresa Berry, Library Journal Review
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QH447 .E53 2003