
Bernard VelzenBirds eye viewBorgman StoreBridge St. BridgeStreetcarCampau SquareChild on a horseCity MarketColiseumCorner of Wealthy St.Division and MonroeDowntown Grand RapidsF. Vandriele and CompanyFabers Dry Goods StoreFamily and houseFurniture factoryGrand Rapids AreaGrand River at North ParkGrand Trunk DepotGrocery StoreGrocery Store after TornadoHorse drawn funeral cartHouseHousingHousingHousing areaImmigrant FuneralInterior of grocery storeJohn Ball ParkJohn Ball ParkJohn Widdicomb factoryLindemulder StoreLivingston HotelLog jamL. JenisonMay GrahamMichigan VeteranMonroe CenterMullerOwner of grocery storePastroor Brothers StorePauels, Jurgens and HoltvluwerPlaster minePlaster mine companyPutting in a water lineRev. Breen at Union DepotSelling keroseneShanty townSmilde HouseSoldiersStehouwer Delivery TruckTrain ShedUmbrella StoreUnion StationUnion StationVegatable marketVessel on Grand RiverWater mainWater works and pumping stationWest Leonard St.West Leonard St.WheelerWilliam KingmaWilliam Kingma and family