Computer Access Policy
Users of any computer in the library are subject to the moral and ethical guidelines described in the university's "Responsible Use of Technology" document. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in permanent loss of computer privileges, suspension, or legal prosecution.
Some important elements of the "Responsible Use" document are highlighted here.
New technologies often increase our ability to communicate as well as miscommunicate. That communication should be guided by respect for others and a sense of personal integrity. Ephesians 4:29 is applicable here: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Communication that degrades or harasses individuals or groups is unacceptable.
Viewing pornographic or hate group material or using email for hurtful communication will be viewed as violations of this principle. -
Users should not waste technological resources. This includes wasteful use of any computing resource, including processors, file space, servers, printers, or network usage for trivial and/or non-educational purposes.
Using a computer for non-educational purposes and printing an inordinate amount of material is in violation of this principle. Users are to keep stewardship of resources in mind, particularly when printing documents (e.g., print double-sided, make as few copies as is necessary). -
In addition, the following policies are in place:
- Users must adhere to federal, state, and local laws governing content and the transmission and dissemination of information.
- Library computers are not filtered; it is the responsibility of parents, guardians or caregivers to determine what is appropriate for their own children (see our Unaccompanied Children policy).
- Staff do not provide individual in-depth Internet instruction.
- Hacking, configuration changes, software modifications, or attempts to do any of these, are prohibited.
- All computers are turned off 10 minutes before the library’s closing.
Special Note to Guest Users
Because this is a library that is guided by the principle that access to information should be reasonably available to all, you are welcome to use our computer equipment for purposes consistent with the intent of an academic library. (Expanded Guest Policy) Some computers in the library are restricted to use by members of the Calvin community, but there are some on each floor that are freely available to the public.
Violations of any of the policies listed above may result in immediate and permanent suspension.
The Hekman Library staff reserve the right to determine what constitutes a violation of the policies listed above.
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