Guests - Computer Use
Use of our public computers is limited to short periods of time (5 - 10 minutes). The public computers are for quick look-up of a call number, checking to see if the library owns something, checking of email, and the like.
The staff of the Hekman Library welcomes guests who are engaged in research consistent with the purpose of an academic library. The library is a learning, discovery, and study space for students and researchers in the greater Grand Rapids community. If you are an area student, researcher, or scholar and anticipate that you will be using the library frequently, please introduce yourself to the Head of Access Services, Carla Hotz and contact David Malone, Dean of the Library.
Guests may be asked to stop using a computer if it's needed by a student or staff or faculty member. The library cannot support guests who monopolize library computers for recreational or non-academic purposes. We request that users who fall into this category voluntarily take their need for computer access elsewhere.