Frequently Asked Questions
My Account / Registration
I have an account but I forgot my password. What should I do?
If you have forgotten your username or password, you can reset your password and have your login credentials emailed to you.
Can I save my citations? How do I compile and print them?
Registered users can save citations and organize them into multiple papers. If you are not a registered user, you will need to copy citations as they are generated and paste them into a document for saving.
Do I have to register to use KnightCite?
No, KnightCite is available to anyone and does not require an account. However, registration is free and offers additional features such as the ability to save citations and export them to a Word document.
How do I become a registered User?
Please visit our registration page.
Do I have to be a Calvin University Student to use KnightCite?
No, everyone, including Calvin students, can use KnightCite!
Can other schools or libraries link to KnightCite for their students to use?
Yes! We are happy to share this free resource with anyone who finds it helpful. You do not have to get permission to link to KnightCite, but we are always interested to hear from our users! If you are a librarian or instructor, feel free to send us a quick email.
Does KnightCite format footnotes or in-text citations?
No. KnightCite does not currently generate footnotes or in-text citations.
Is there a format for citing images?
Currently MLA and APA are the only styles that have a specified method of citing an Image.
Using the left menu, click on Multimedia -> Art as the resource.
How do I record multiple authors?
Above the fields to input the name of the Author is a drop down box that allows the selection of additional authors.
How do I cite an author without a full name such as Plato??
An author with one name such as Plato or Euripides can be cited by placing their name in the Last Name field under author. The same goes for editors and other name fields.
What version of MLA/APA/Chicago does KnightCite use?
We follow the most recent editions of these style manuals:
- MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 8th ed. (2016)
- Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. (2010).
- Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. (2017) (and Turabian, 9th ed.)
Why are my APA citations from KnightCite not capitalized?
The APA Manual of Style requires specific conventions for the capitalization of titles. In APA, only the first word of the title, first word of the subtitle (after the colon), any proper nouns, and acronyms should be capitalized. Because of programming restraints, it is not possible for KnightCite to consistently distinguish what might have been intended as a proper or common noun, so your title capitalization is left exactly as you typed it. Please take note of this rule and adjust capitalization after your citation is generated.
Why don't you have [insert resource type] or [style manual] on KnightCite?
KnightCite is not comprehensive, we admit. We have tried to include the most commonly used resource types in the most popular styles (MLA, APA, Chicago), focusing on undergraduate college student needs. If you have suggestions for what we should add to KnightCite, please let us know.
Why doesn't KnightCite match my instructor's style formatting or requirements?
Your instructor may be using another edition of a particular style manual, or his or her own interpretation of that style. You should always follow your instructor's requirements (even if it doesn't match KnightCite). Also, KnightCite is not perfect, nor is any other citation generator, so it is a good practice to check your citations using the official style manual or your assigned writing handbook.
What information do I need to cite a specific resource?
For every resource there is the header stating the citation type and what kind of resource followed by "(Click for Help)". Click on "(Click for Help)" to get more information on what is required to cite the source.
Where can I get citation advice?
If you are not a Calvin student and need citation advice, try asking your instructor or local librarian, or you may contact us. (We will try to respond to e-mails within 1-3 days, but it may be longer if it is a busy time of our academic year.) There are also many wonderful free websites that provide citation help. Two of our favorites:
If you are a Calvin University student, contact a Hekman librarian directly at the Research Assistance Desk, or see our guide for Citing Sources.
What is "Full-Text @ Hekman"?
Full-Text @ Hekman is a service available to Calvin University community members and on-campus users of Hekman Library. If you see this icon, click on it and you will be provided with links to online or print access, or to an interlibrary loan (ILL) form if Hekman Library does not own the item.
Who developed KnightCite? Where can I find some background information?
KnightCite was created in 2004 by Calvin student Justin Searls at the Teaching and Learning Digital Studio. For an introduction, see this press release.
Since 2008, KnightCite has been maintained by Hekman Library.
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