Travels in the West and Southwest

Lost Cause Press has published this corpus of fundamental printed works relating to the North American West. Included are biographies of obscure frontier personalities, histories of towns and the countries which were key points in the winning of the west, personal narratives of Indian fights and of Indian sympathizers, adventures of trappers and mountain men, accounts of ranch life and cattle drives, and much more that preserves the sounds, sights, and smell of the vast region from Saint Louis to San Fransisco, from San Diego north to the up-island country of British Columbia. This collection also includes directories, obscure historical serials, pertinent speeches in Congress and elsewhere, promotional pieces, and other unusual material essential for thorough study of the history, politics, social and economic life, and broad culture of the region.
Items in this collection can be found though a subject search on WebCat using the search term MIC LCP TRA.
Available in print: MIC LCP TRA