History of the Canadian Northwest

As in the United States, settlement in Canada leaped from mid-continent to the Pacific Shore. The plains area between was left to be settled and developed at a later date. Geographically, this area is an extension of the Great Plains. Historically, it offers a parallel and a contrast in matters of land policy, railroad building, and Indian relations.
Research Publications Inc. has published (on these microfiche) many items pertaining to the settlement of the Canadian Northwest. Included in this collection are narratives, treaties, books, Federal documents, some compilations and newspaper items of personal experience written between 1744 and 1899. French language material also included. Geographical scope is mostly Canada, with documents originating from Great Britain also included.
Items in this collection can be found though a subject search on WebCat using the search term MIC RPI PNW.
Available in print: RPI PNW