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Today's Hours

Promoting the Library

To encourage use of the vast electronic and print resources offered by the library, link directly to these tools within your Moodle course.  Students value your advice. If you recommend specific library tools or resources in your Moodle courses, students will use them.  

  • Link to one of the library's subject guides from the left navigation area. (View the contents of a subject guide)
  • Link to library tools or resources within an assignment. Students will tackle the assignment with more confidence if they are given guidance to useful research tools at the beginning of the project. Contact your department's librarian for a brief list of essential tools.
  • Request that your department's librarian create a class guide designed specifically for an assignment or a course.

Warning: Some copied web addresses will not work later! Buried in some web addresses is a session-specific timer. This timer will cause the link to expire. Always check copied web links an hour or more after inserting them in a course. If they don't work, contact your department's librarian for advice.