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Student Library Employee Earns a Fulbright Grant

Student Library Employee Earns a Fulbright Grant

Michelle Merritt, 2022 graduate of Calvin with majors in Chinese and English, has earned a Fulbright grant to teach English in Mongolia starting in Jan. 2023. Michelle worked for Collection Management in the library from January 2019 until her graduation. She helped with many functions of the department, including taking inventory, preparing materials for the bindery, and revising processing procedures. She also transliterated the titles of donated Chinese and Korean books so they could be read by our catalogers. MIchelle says that the library job helped her to persevere through college because it was a job she enjoyed with a positive environment. 

While at Calvin, Michelle met her husband-to-be, who is Korean. They will settle in Korea after they get married.  

- Posted May 09, 2022 by Kathy DeMey (3:59 PM)