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Today's Hours

Service Not New, But Location Is

Service Not New, But Location Is

For 32 years our Research Desk (sometimes known as Reference Desk) was situated at the main, east-facing entrance to the library. People coming in that way would see a massive, two-part desk with a librarian seated there from early morning to late at night. The staff assigned to the desk answered questions and particularly offered help for student researchers.

Removing this behemoth has opened up the 2nd floor and created a corridor that leads to comfortable seating for study, displays featuring library resources, event space, and Peet's Coffee. However, the Research Desk isn't gone. By no means.

The research librarians and student research consultants now sit (or stand) at a smaller desk that suits our purposes well. It is located in the middle of the floor. People can approach us from any direction for help, and they can stand for a quick answer or sit for a longer consultation. Staff can clearly see who is entering the library via Peet's doors (north-facing), and we can also see the main entrance and the Checkout Desk. 

We are still getting used to the new setup. Come and see for yourself. You don't need to have a question ready, but if you do, we are there to help.

(Pictured here is Ruan Bessa, seminary student, and one of our Library Research Consultants).

- Posted March 17, 2022 by Kathy DeMey (11:04 AM)