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Where To Get Your Geopolitical News

Where To Get Your Geopolitical News

The Economist, an authoritative London-based magazine published since September 1843, has the mission: "to take part in a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress." Each week in print and each day online, The Economist provides a carefully selected global mix of stories that offer a "distinctive blend of news, based on facts, and analysis."

The Economist is neither right- nor left-wing but strives to be a blend of the two. When it states opinions on new ideas and policies, it does so on the basis of their merits, not of who supports or opposes them. For this reason, among others, the library subscribes to The Economist, and our librarians highly recommend it for research in multiple disciplines. In fact, it's essential reading for anyone who wants to keep up with the world's most important current affairs, international business, politics, and technology news of the day.

Read The Economist in print in our Periodicals Reading Area (current non-theological journals), or read online through the ProQuest One Business database.

- Posted January 19, 2022 by Kathy DeMey (1:34 PM)