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Holiday Choices to Lighten Your Mood

Holiday Choices to Lighten Your Mood

We are in the holiday mood here at Hekman. Several new displays on the 2nd floor have been created to feature books on holidays around the world and holiday movies.

The book choices come from our Curriculum Collection, New Books, Children's books, and the general collection. The only new book featured so far is American Christmas Stories, edited and with an introduction by Connie Willis, an American science fiction and fantasy writer, born in 1945. 

Some intriguing titles from this collection: "Three Wise Guys" (Sandra Cisneros), "The Impossible Snowsuit of Christmas Past" (George V. Higgins), "'Santa Clo' Comes to La Cuchilla" (Abelardo Diaz Alfaro), "The Big Rock Candy Figgy Pudding Pitfall" (Joan Didion; try saying "figgy pudding pitfall" over and over very fast; it's not easy!) and "A Christmas Party that Prevented a Split in the Church" (Margaret Black). 

Check out the other picks, too!

- Posted December 01, 2021 by Kathy DeMey (2:21 PM)