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Today's Hours

Coffee, Anyone?

Coffee, Anyone?

"Chapel break" on the library's main floor. The floor where Peet's Coffee is located. Busy? That's an understatement. At 9:50am, when classes get out on M/W/Fr, the line for Peet's can go almost all the way to the main entrance! But, Peet's staff take it in stride.

Marvale Jones, new Marketing Manager for Dining Services, says that in preparation for the busy time they make sure they are fully stocked; sometimes they have to open a 2nd register. On Sept. 8, for the first time in the new academic year, they had to do this.

Marvale is confident that the student staff are "leading the way." He said Bianca and Lucas are returning students from last semester. He chuckled, "They're training me!" 

Peet's hours are Monday - Thursday 7:30am - 6pm and Friday 7:30am - 5pm. Not open on Saturday or Sunday.

- Posted September 08, 2021 by Kathy DeMey (10:53 AM)