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Today's Hours

Dramatic Portrayal of Disfigurement

Dramatic Portrayal of Disfigurement

Calvin Theatre Company opens its season with a drama about a "witch" with a facial disfigurement. How this plays out in the life of Prue Sam, labelled a witch because of her harelip, makes for a fascinating story of love's redemptive power over greed and prejudice. 

Mary Webb, (1881-1927), author of the novel Precious Bane on which the play is based, was herself disfigured by Grave's Disease.This disease can make the eyes protrude and the thyroid gland swell. Mary Webb's life was likely cut short by the disease.

Webb wrote both prose and poetry. The Hekman Library has several volumes authored by Webb: The Essential Mary Webb, A Mary Webb Anthology, The Golden Arrow, and Precious Bane. Call number area: PR6045. E2.

The schedule for the play, starting this week: Nov. 2, 3, and 8-10, 7:30 p.m. in the Gezon Auditorium.

- Posted October 30, 2018 by Kathy DeMey (4:09 PM)