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L'Engle Centenary

L'Engle Centenary

In November, the Calvin Center for Faith and Writing will honor the legacy of writer and friend: Madeleine L’Engle, who was born a century ago on November 29. Plan to join the celebration in Calvin College’s Gezon Auditorium, on Friday, November 30, at 7:30 pm. There will be a celebration of Madeleine’s literary, creative, and spiritual legacy, with author Sarah Arthur, filmmaker Catherine Hand, and L’Engle’s granddaughter and literary executor Charlotte Jones Voiklis. And there will be birthday cake!

The library has a large collection of the works of L'Engle. Her call number is PS3523.E55 (5th floor). But being such a gifted author, she writes on many different subjects and writes for children as well as adults. Check PZ7 .L538 for her children's books (5th floor). Also, since she writes about theological and religious topics, you will find some of her books in the BL - BX range (4th floor). 

- Posted October 24, 2018 by Kathy DeMey (1:01 PM)