Transition from MeL databases to EBSCO
Hekman Library benefits from the Michigan Electronic Library (MeL) interlibrary loan program, and we are also able to save money on MeL databases, which the Library of Michigan generously purchases for libraries in the state.
For many years, the Library of Michigan has paid for our Gale databases. However, MeL has now renegotiated their arrangement and is purchasing EBSCO databases for state libraries instead. This means that starting October 1, many of our Gale databases will no longer be available but will be replaced by equivalent EBSCO databases. For example, Gale's Academic OneFile will be replaced by EBSCO's Academic Search Complete. InfoTrac Newsstand will be replaced by Newspaper Source Plus.
Keep in mind that this change is outside the library's control, and we will do our best to facilitate a smooth transition. If you have any questions or concerns, or want a complete list of the database changes, please contact your department's subject librarian or Collection Development Librarian Katherine Swart.