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Elsevier Science Direct

Elsevier Science Direct

One of the most popular databases at Hekman is Elsevier's Science Direct because of its sheer size and the quality of the journals. Students in science, health, medical and technical fields request articles from this database through the library's Elsevier article service. Hekman began offering this service about a decade ago. Since the beginning of 2018 alone we've had nearly 300 requests for articles! 

Students are required to use either a librarian or faculty mediator to secure the articles for them, because each one costs the library around $24 to download. We prefer to have students consider carefully whether or not the articles are essential for their research. The cost per article, though, is a bargain compared to the cost of subscribing to single journals which contain the articles! Some journals can run $7,000 per year for a subscription! While this cost is prohibitive for the library, the $24 per article download is not. If you see this message as you try to track down an article:

  Available Online Elsevier ScienceDirect Journals 
then you'll know you need to ask for help to get the full text. 

- Posted October 02, 2018 by Kathy DeMey (2:03 PM)