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Synod of Dordt and the Statenbijbel

Synod of Dordt and the Statenbijbel

The H. Henry Meeter Center, a special collection devoted to John Calvin studies, is celebrating the 400th anniversary of the Synod of Dordt this month. A historical gathering of Reformed church leaders in 1618, the Synod of Dordt established many important points on Reformed theology, particularly election and predestination, which are outlined in the Canons of Dordt. These documents are still guiding documents today for churches in the Reformed tradition and for Calvin College.

In the first sessions of the Synod of Dordt before the delegates of the Synod even addressed their important business, they joined together to commission a new Bible. Published nineteen years later in 1637 after a laborious translation process, the Statenvertaling (States' Translation), depicted here, was the realization of the initial work of the Synod of Dordt. The Statenvertaling is considered one of the best translations of the Reformation era and remained the preeminent Dutch Bible well into the twentieth century!

While Calvin Theological Seminary is hosting a commemorative conference on Sept 14-15, the Meeter Center is currently presenting a display of rare items related to the Synod. Visit the 4th floor of the library or go to the Meeter Center’s Synod of Dordt webpages to learn more.

- Posted September 05, 2018 by Kathy DeMey (2:27 PM)