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Google Talk To Books

Google Talk To Books

In Talk To Books, Google has used billions of lines of dialogue from its own digitized books collection (more than 100,000) to teach an AI how real human conversations flow. Once the AI has learned from that data, it is able to predict how likely one statement would follow another. In the demos provided, the AI is simply considering what you type to be an opening statement and looking across a pool of many possible responses to find the ones that would most likely follow.

Google suggests some phrases to start with like "What smell brings back great memories?" and "Would you advise young people to pursue a career as a musician?" (This latter question produces a response from James Taylor, quoted in the book Fire and Rain: the James Taylor Story).

Google is looking for feedback for this new experiment. They know Talk To Books is imperfect, and they invite user feedback. Click the little gray exclamation point at the top right of the screen to send feedback.


- Posted April 20, 2018 by Kathy DeMey (11:23 AM)