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Today's Hours

Sound and Visual Barriers Installed on Fourth Floor

Sound and Visual Barriers Installed on Fourth Floor

Sometimes change is small but can have a significant impact upon those most connected with the change. In the past year the library has been making some incremental changes to our space(s). 

Here's an example: For years seminary students have had carrels near the theological collection on the library's 4th floor and have used a variety of strategies to reduce distractions. These included large cardboard boxes, stacking file cabinets, homemade "curtains" and other creative tactics. But with the assistance of Calvin's Physical Plant these carrels now have legitimate and suitable sound and visual barriers to aid the students in their work.

Other small changes that have made a difference:

  • countertop seating with hanging ceiling lights 
  • small ottomans with new comfortable lounge chairs
  • study chairs on rollers 
  • redistribution of large study tables
  • addition of more group study areas


- Posted June 09, 2017 by Kathy DeMey (9:23 AM)