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Meet Our New Theological Librarian

Meet Our New Theological Librarian

Gerone Lockhart is our new interim theological librarian. He earned an A.B. in religion at Princeton University and an M.Div. from Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA.  His additional graduate studies in theology and sociology focused on political economy, the formation of moral sensibilities, and systems of violence. He is a graduate of the School of Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 

Gerone has four years of experience in both public and research libraries. His main information science related interests include information management and retrieval, as well as the development of reference tools and decision support systems. Ultimately, he would like to design a multi-media learning environment centered on the intersection between the common good, Jesus’ teachings on the reign of God, and the history of Christianity. Gerone is excited about the opportunity to support theological education at Calvin!

Gerone serves both the college and seminary in his work as librarian.

- Posted November 28, 2016 by Kathy DeMey (12:59 PM)