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History Professor and The History of Turkey

History Professor and The History of Turkey

Calvin History Professor, Doug Howard, has recently written a book (2nd edition of a book he wrote in 2001) titled The History of Turkey. His interest in Turkey stems partly from the fact that he grew up in a military family and did two tours of duty in Turkey.

The book is a comprehensive overview of the history of Turkey ranging from the earliest Neolithic civilizations, to the establishment of the Republic in 1923, to the present-day tenure of President Erdoğan. It expansively covers the history of Turkey from antiquity to the modern Turkish democracy.

Hekman Library has a practice of purchasing (and archiving) books written by current Calvin faculty. We have three copies of Howard's new book: one in the archives and two in the circulating collection, call number DR441 .H69 2016.

- Posted July 14, 2016 by Kathy DeMey (11:37 AM)