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Library As Learning Lab

Library As Learning Lab

Some professors like to bring their classes to the library just to experience the space and to discover first-hand what's there. Professor Frank Speyers is one such professor. Prof. Speyers' special areas of interest are visual culture and graphic design. He routinely brings students to the library to use materials from our Reserve Collection, so the whole class can pass the materials around and all get a chance to use them. The area you see pictured here is our 2nd floor by the government documents collection. 

Library staff are delighted when professors bring classes in or assign projects that require students to use the library - its physical as well as digital resources. When students do this, they typically find out something about the library they never knew before. Sometimes it's just as simple as discovering a great new study space.

- Posted April 21, 2016 by Kathy DeMey (2:37 PM)