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Today's Hours

Student Employee Appreciation Week

Student Employee Appreciation Week

This week is National Student Employee Appreciation Week and the whole campus will focus on the good and important work that our student employees perform.  

Hekman Library's student workers - 40-50 each semester - help the professional library staff by keeping the library running smoothly and efficiently. They provide assistance during the day and staff the library late into the evening after the professional staff have gone home. They do everything from behind-the-scenes tasks, such as processing materials and getting them ready for the shelves, to more public tasks, such as checking out materials at service points and providing reference help.

If you come into the library and have an interaction with one of our student workers, you may want to thank them for their dedicated work.

An interesting side note: In the past 10 years or so, an average of 8-10% of our student workers have gone on to careers in library and information science! This number seems to have increased a bit every year. 

- Posted April 09, 2018 by Kathy DeMey (8:20 AM)