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Professors Who Love the Library

Professors Who Love the Library

February is "Love Your Library" month, and here's what a selection of professors who regularly use the library and consult with the library staff have to say:

Joke Ayoola, nursing professor: "I value the opportunity to refer my honors students and research assistants to the librarians for further help with accessing relevant articles."

Susan Felch, English professor: "I like to see the friendly staff at the reference and check out desks, the rows of books just waiting to be read, the students sitting at tables and in chairs by the big windows. I'm a fan of the Meeter Center on fourth floor and the renovated Heritage Hall on second. What a great reservoir of resources we have right here on campus."

Steve Vander Leest, engineering professor: "Our library not only provides an extensive collection of books and journals in an inviting physical space, but also maintains an excellent digital space that is equally inviting and relevant."

Jason Van Horn, Geography professor: "At our wonderful library I am able to not only conduct research by accessing vast amounts of literature in books and journals, but I can show my students how to do it too with the various innovations in our catalog, connections to research databases, and ILL requests."

- Posted February 12, 2014 by Kathy DeMey (12:18 PM)