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Today's Hours

What Study Space Will YOU Choose?

What Study Space Will YOU Choose?

From single carrels enclosed with high walls for those who like privacy to group study rooms - the library has the study space for your needs and preferences during exam week.

Sometimes you just need to study alone and don't want to be interrupted. A traditional study carrel fits the bill. The library has these on all floors from 2nd to 5th, but to be honest, they are gradually declining in number because of student preferences.

So, we've added lots of comfortable lounge furniture (mainly on the 2nd floor and 3rd floors). If you want to sit back, put up your feet, and relax while you're reading, you may want to choose this type of study space.

Then there are the large study tables - most of them able to accommodate six people comfortably. Sometimes you just want to sit out in the open at a table filled with your peers. This can give a feeling of community and still be a good way to focus.

We also have several group study rooms, including our large group study area on the west side of the 4th floor. These rooms can be used by people working on a group project or having a quick planning meeting, Bible study, you name it. There is no need to "book" these rooms ahead of time. Our policy is first come, first served.

- Posted January 10, 2014 by Kathy DeMey (5:18 PM)