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Text a Librarian?

Text a Librarian?

Hekman Library uses the virtual reference software LibraryH3lp to connect with patrons who need a quick answer to a simple question. Our phone number is 616-214-3355.

We implemented LIbraryH3lp's chat function a number of years ago, and soon after that we added SMS, or "text-a-librarian."  With text-a-librarian, our professional staff can provide quick answers, links to articles/references, and more, by messaging back and forth with our patrons in real time. We know it's not for everyone, but we also believe it's good to be where our users are - on your smartphones and other mobile devices.

Of course, we also offer face-to-face reference and research help! You can also speak with a librarian (526-6307), chat with a librarian, or email us

- Posted October 24, 2014 by Kathy DeMey (11:39 AM)