Quick Facts for Students
Q: How long may I keep items from the library? A: Normally two weeks with unlimited renewals (see this page for details)
Q: How many items may I have out at one time? A: 50 books at a time; 5 media items at a time
Q: What do you charge for late items? A: 3 day grace period, 4th day $1.00, additional days .25/day
Q: What's the quietest study floor? A: There are quiet "zones" marked on each floor. Most students say that 4th floor is the best for quiet study.
Q: May I eat and drink in the library? A: Food may be eaten on the 2nd floor away from the computers. Make sure you clean up after yourself.
Q: Are computers & printers available in the library? A: Yes! The Digital Research Center (DRC) on the 2nd floor has a laser printer and 18 computers, (2 wheelchair accessible and 2 Macs; all the rest are PCs). We also have two guest computers. There are multifunctional printers (MFDs) on every floor that will print, scan, and copy.
Q: Are there job openings in the library? A: There may be. The library has many supervisors and hires ~30 students each semester. Our student workers tend to come back year after year. Keep tabs on WorkDay for new job postings.
Q: Do you have "just-for-fun" reading? A: We do! We have a recreational reading collection on the 2nd floor with lots of current, popular, award-winning authors featured. We also have a steadily growing graphic novels collection on the 3rd floor.