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Congregation Records, 1893

compiled by Richard H. Harms, 2007


These data come the Christian Reformed congregation that existed from 20 January to 11 December 1893, near present-day Alamosa, Colorado. These Dutch immigrants were part of a larger group that were victims of a land swindle detailed by Peter de Klerk in "The Alamosa Disaster: The Boldest of Swindles," Origins (Spring 1986): 22-26. Families are under both the mother's and father's names. The data come from the congregation's membership records in the Archives of Heritage Hall, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan.


* = charter members


Barink, Grada Johanna* and Heersink, Adolf* with 7 children from Varssevel, Gelderland, Netherlands

Boon, Thijs (married, spouse not listed)

Cooke, Maria and Wichhardt, Christiaan with 8 children; from Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands went to Pella, Iowa

de Pender, Helena* and van der Beek, Jan* with 9 children; from Almkerk, Noord Brabant, Netherlands went to Pella, Iowa

Hartog, Samuel* and Oranje, Pieternella; from Goes, Zeeland, Netherlands went to Luctor, Kansas

Heersink, Adolf and Barink, Grada Johanna* with 7 children; from Varsseveld, Gelderland, Netherlands

Heslinga, Gjalt (unmarried); from Beetgum, Fryslân, Netherlands went to Nepasta, Colorado

Kloosterman, Cornelis* and Vette, Dina* with 8 children; from Rilland, Colorado went to Pella, Iowa

Louwerse, Pieternella and Louws, Jan with 2 children; from Middelburg, Zeeland, Netherlands went to Ackley, Iowa

Louws, Jan and Louwerse, Pieternella with 2 children; from Middelburg, Zeeland, Netherlands went to Ackley, Iowa

Moerman, Cornelis and Zuidweg, Sara with 3 children; from Yerseke, Zeeland, Netherlands went to Firth, Nebraska

Molenaar, Klaaske (unmarried); from St. Anna Parochie, Fryslân, Netherlands went to Nepasta, Colorado

Monsma, Marten Jans* (unmarried); from Berlikum, Fryslân, Netherlands went to Orange City, Iowa

Nederveen, Anneke* and Vos, Peter* with 3 children; from Almkerk, Noord Brabant, Netherlands went to Luctor, Kansas

Oranje, Johannis (widower) with 3 children; from Goes, Zeeland, Netherlands went to Luctor, Kansas

Oranje, Neeltje (unmarried); from Goes, Zeeland, Netherlands went to Luctor, Kansas

Oranje, Pieternella and Hartog, Samuel; from Goes, Zeeland, Netherlands went to Luctor, Kansas

Porma, Maike (widow); from Amsterdam, Netherlands

Porma, Cornelia and Verburg, Lambertus with 4 children; from Amsterdam, Netherlands

Rook, Annigje and Schutte, Dirk with 6 children; from Vollenhoven, Overijsel, Netherlands went to Ackley, Iowa

Rook, Geesje* and van Dalen, Gerrit*; from Vollenhoven, Overijsel, Netherlands

Rougoor, Elizabeth and van Lummel, Arnaud J. with 4 children; from Varsseveld, Gelderland, Netherlands went to Nepasta, Colorado

Schoutema, Akke and Sjaardema, Frederik with 1 child; from Amsterdam, Netherlands went to Pella, Iowa

Schutte, Dirk and Rook, Annigje with 6 children; from Vollenhoven, Overijsel, Netherlands went to Ackley, Iowa

Sjaardema, Douwe* and van Dijk, Catharina* with 4 children; from Amsterdam, Netherlands went to Pella, Iowa

Sjaardema, Frederik and Schoutema, Akke with 1 child; from Amsterdam, Netherlands went to Pella, Iowa

van Dalen, Gerrit* and Rook, Geesje*; from Vollenhoven, Overijsel, Netherlands

van Dalen, Jan* (unmarried); from Vollenhoven, Overijsel, Netherlands went to Luctor, Kansas

van der Beek, Jan* and de Pender, Helena* with 9 children; from Almkerk, Noord Brabant, Netherlands went to Pella, Iowa

van Dijk, Catharina* and Sjaardema, Douwe*; from Amsterdam, Netherlands went to Pella, Iowa

van Lummel, Arnaud J. and Rougoor, Elizabeth with 4 children; from Varsseveld, Gelderland, Netherlands went to Nepasta, Colorado

Verburg, Lambertus and Porma, Cornelia with 4 children; from Amsterdam, Netherlands

Vette, Dina* and Kloosterman, Cornelis* with 8 children; from Rilland, Colorado went to Pella, Iowa

Vos, Peter* and Nederveen, Anneke* with 3 children; from Almkerk, Noord Brabant, Netherlands went to Luctor, Kansas

Wichhardt, Christiaan and Cooke, Maria with 8 children; from Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands went to Pella, Iowa

Zuidweg, Sara and Moerman, Cornelis with 3 children; from Yerseke, Zeeland, Netherlands went to Firth, Nebraska

Zwier, Neeltje and Zwier, Pieter with 2 children; from Andijk, Noord Holland, Netherlands went to Maxwell, New Mexico

Zwier, Pieter and Zwier, Neeltje with 2 children; from Andijk, Noord Holland, Netherlands went to Maxwell, New Mexico

Zwier, Simon (unmarried); from Andijk, Noord Holland, Netherlands went to Maxwell, New Mexico


Present at the first meeting, but did not join:

Boxum, Harm

Bruintjes, Andries

Hols, Jacob

Muller, Harm

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