Contains overviews, descriptions and one or more reviews of many English language standardized tests of educational skills, personality, psychological traits, and related areas.
Provides a comprehensive, alphabetic array of essays of varying lengths on all aspects of social science research methods, with bibliographies and cross-references.
A comprehensive encyclopedia "covering the entire history of literature in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland in the major literary languages (Anglo-Saxon, English, Welsh, Scots, Irish, and Latin)."
In three volumes, the work provides unique international and historical coverage of women's sports from earliest recorded times to the dawn of the twenty-first century.
1996 edition of Liddell and Scott's classic lexicon, with a supplement (bound separately)incorporating new material. An online version of the 1940 edition is available on the Perseus Web site.
This 3-vol. set is an accessible and scholarly reference that provides a comprehensive survey of lesbian and gay history and culture in the United States.
A 2-volume work which is organized chronologically, beginning with the baroque period and ending with modernism. Each chapter begins with a short biographical essay on the composer along with a timeline.
Provides extensive information on all aspects of ornithology, including anatomy, behavior, distribution, ecology, and the relationship of humans with birds. Illustrated.
The Human Development Report (HDR) examines issues associated with rich and poor countries: migration, predatory extremism, and the expansion of cultural diversity. It also proposes policy to promote cultural liberty and multicultural democracy.
Ed. Joseph R. Strayer. 12 vols. (1982-1989) + Supplement (2003). The bibliographies can be supplemented by looking at the more recent Lexikon des Mittelalters (see below).
Intended for students with at least some familiarity with financial analysis concepts, this Ebook supplies an alphatetic reference guide to practical computation for problem solving and decision making.
This reference work about young children in the United States is arranged in five broad categories: (1)historical and philosophical roots of early childhood practice; (2) sociocultural, political, and economic contexts; (3) perspectives on children; (4) early chilhood curricula and programs; and (5) perspectives on educators.
An updated English edition of a standard work covering classical studies. Currently eight volumes of a projected 20 volume set are available. The complete German language Paulys Real-Encyclopaedie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft (1893-1978) and the updated Der Neue Pauly Enzyclopaedie der Antike are both shelved nearby.
"An 11-volume work ... planned in accordance with the principles of UNESCO's MAB (Man and the Biosphere) Programme." Concerned with effects of humans on nature.
This two volume work presents the systematic positions and affinities of all living organisms in synoptic articles for all taxa down to the family level.
E.T.: Dictionary of the Frisian Language, published by the Fryske Akademy, 1984 - . Currently at 21 volumes. A comprehensive Frisian-Dutch dictionary which serves as the language's
principal authority.
"The Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics considers both the professional ethics of science and technology, and the ethical and political issues raised by science and technology in an increasingly complex and global society."
Designed in an easy-to-read outline format, this guide covers a wide range of disorders and patient problems in all basic areas of nursing, including medical-surgical, pediatric, maternity, and psychiatric.
56,000 easy-to-understand definitions, including 700 illustrations; more than 500 in full-color. Includes the pronunciation of unusual terms and etymologies.
The SEP is a major scholarly resource for the study of philosophy. It is not as complete as the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but it is available online and the information is reliable.